Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
The amount of time I have to give to the Juice Blog I suspect will become less in the near future, so I'm looking for Toaster readers who have ideas for baseball pieces that feature the type of edginess you would expect here. I'm not looking for a partner at this point, but I guess it could develop into that if I can find the right person to grow the site. I see this as an opportunity for some of the best muckrackers who comment here to get more recognition for their talents. This is specific to baseball, as I don't feel I need to add more pop culture content to the site.
If you are interested, email me at with your subject matter. I will get back with you telling you if I think the idea is a good fit for the Juice Blog. I'm looking forward to your submissions!
I'm also dog tired of teaching, grading, health issues by the score, too much work for too little money. Grateful? Sure. But I'm tired.
That said, I love this blog so count me in, Scott. I'm going to send an e-mail this week 'cuz this blog be too damn good and I want to contribute. If it were me, I'd use Enders, chris from Illinois along with a host of others before me (I teach writing; don't mean I can do it!) but I'm in.
I look at a blog like Bronx Banter that has multiple writers putting stuff out there and I realize that the Juice Blog doesn't often demand to have a must-read focus. 2-3 posts a week falls a little short of what I think I need to do here. I also see on the banner that the overall site is called Baseball Toaster and I feel some duty to offer up more baseball pieces. Now that the NFL on Fox season is over, I hope that I will find more time to do that.
I think there are 10-15 posters at the Toaster that provide great insight into the topics they speak on. I would love for them to step up to the plate and take a swing. (Get it, that was a cliche that uses baseball as its substance.) No pressure, just want the site to grow a little more and at the same time, I want to see some really talented people get a little bigger stage to offer up their thoughts.
Why not give out assignments? If you want us to submit you might as well order us around.
Are there any particular requirements you're looking for other than described in your original post?
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.