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Reviewing the Juice Blog Since the World Series Ended
2007-12-07 21:15
by Scott Long

A great thing I have at this site is the freedom to write on pretty much whatever I want to. These are the subjects discussed here since the Red Sox waxed the Rockies.

Oct. 30- Please Explain: Some Candy Bars- A discussion of how items like the 5th Avenue Bar, the Mallo Cup, and the Mr. Goodbar shouldn't still be on the shelves. The Charleston Chew is compared in visual dimensions to the appendage of Lexington Steele.

Nov. 3- Jerry Seinfeld discusses A-Rod and the Mets

Nov. 7- The Complete History of Candy- Candy Heaven which mentions how Cola Bottle Caps are 1 of the 10 best flavors on the planet. Grape Bubble Yum is the best gum. Candy Purgatory featuring Zotz and its bizarre filling that hits your tongue like battery acid. Candy Hell puts out the idea that Runts have a good name, but don't taste good. They also should not be confused with a product conceived by Ann Coulter.

Nov. 12- Diamond Views on A-Rod- Better understanding the feelings of Alex through the lyrics of Neil Diamond, which was linked at What was his reason for choosing the Yankees?

Money Talks, but it don't sing and dance and it don't walk

Nov. 23- Supporting Most of the Troops- A story about a recent battle with a heckler who was so self-absorbed that he didn't care he was wrecking the show for all the other paying customers. After ripping him, he comebacks with "I'm going to Afghanistan", which was supposed to get him back in favor with me and the audience. My response:

“So you are telling me you are going to Afghanistan. Normally I am very strong in my support for our troops. I am not a flag-waving robot, though. Just like in any profession there are good people and bad people. I know a load of comics who are egotistical dickheads. I would sometimes put myself in that category. I’m guessing you are the type of soldier who would have been setting up pyramids at Abu Ghraib prison. Now, I don’t want anything fatal to happen to you, but if you lost a limb, I can’t say I would be that broken up about it.”

Nov. 29 and 30- Discussing Cocaine and Amphetamines Impact on Players from past decades- While there was erroneous info propagated by me about Tim Raines, the discussion that came out of it was very interesting. It created a shitstorm for me at Baseball Prospectus, but Will Carroll gave me some cover, which was appreciated.

Dec. 3- When Movies Can Be a Magnifying Glass to Our Soul- An illuminating moment happens to me while watching a porn scene done in the classic MILF genre. I realize that the even the older chicks in porn are often younger than me. What a wakeup call from my Peter Pan existence, as it made me consider my own mortality for the first time. I'm actually older than many of the Mothers I'd Like to F***. Pornography helps us understand ourselves better. Sure many of us think it, but we fail to publicly acknowledge it. Thank you PORN for making the world a better place.

Dec. 5- How SHOWTIME is Eating HBO's Lunch- HBO had reached an historic peak for one network, but it is currently in a rebuilding phase, while SHOWTIME has 2 of the best programs around. (Dexter and Californication)

Dec. 5- Time to Admit I Have a Mancrush- I discuss the weird feelings I get watching Mike Rowe, the host of Dirty Jobs. In the comments I explain that a mancrush for me is feelings hit me when I watch the guy (Rowe) that I don't feel for other men. Let me stress, though that these feelings DO NOT include any romantic thoughts and definitely not lubricants! A very uncomfortable discussion to be having, especially considering I'm married and have a 4 year old daughter. An added part of this piece mentions the 4 coolest dudes on TV today. Anthony Bourdain and Bobby Flay make the list, even though I doubt either one of them care for each other, much. Do I see a Throwdown?

I realize that not all these subjects will connect with the readers here, but considering the wide range of weird discussions over the past month or so, something has to have peaked your interest. If you know of other blogs that cover so many diverse type subjects, please mention them in the comments section, as I would like to see their methodology. I'm still on the fence if The Juice Blog has a long-term future, since there is really no unifying theme. The internet sites that have had the most success seem to be narrowcasted, but maybe I've missed some places that don't.

2007-12-08 13:47:56
1.   Linkmeister
I'm a generalist. My stats are something I rarely look at, and I've watched them fall as many of the people I used to read quit blogging and thus stopped visiting my place. It amuses me, so I keep doing it. Six-plus years now.

2007-12-08 16:41:26
2.   Bluebleeder87
I love reading your point of view Scott Long. I was gonna ask you, around this time last year you had a very very cool "top music" list for the past year, are you doing it again this year. I'm kind of really looking forward to it.
2007-12-08 18:47:53
3.   Scott Long
Thanks for the comment. I plan on posting my year-end music review sometime over the next month. If anyone is interested, scroll down this page to the music links to the side to see my past music reviews over the past few years.

I thought last year was a good one for music. This year was not, but there were some worthy releases to mention.

2007-12-09 00:08:33
4.   Suffering Bruin
I have very, very little free time. Wife, kid, teacher... that takes up a lot right there. Then there's family and friends, most of whom complain that I'm incommunicado more often than not. Hell, Scott, I didn't even finish reading your post... I just assumed you wanted a review of your work. Put it this way: I visit all the time. I like you're writing, I like the wit, I like the blog. Keep doing what you're doing, Scott. It's fun.
2007-12-09 06:34:52
5.   David Arnott
Seconding SB, I like your voice. I've reached the stage with this blog that I dig into almost any kind of content as long as it's presented with the "Scott Long aesthetic". That differs from how I treat other sites, in that I'm there for the categories of content they offer.
2007-12-09 12:29:06
6.   overkill94
I found it interesting going back and seeing your Top 10 Releases of 2005 list. I just got into Bright Eyes and "I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning" truly is an amazing album. I'm not sure I'll ever read your posts the same way after seeing Kelly Clarkson in your top 10 though ;)

Also, to the guy in the comments who said MMJ is overrated live - no. Their performance at last year's Coachella was the best live performance I've ever seen.

Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.