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Bud on the Juice
2004-01-22 19:08
by Will Carroll

So Bud felt he had to answer Dubya's recent call-out in the SOTU. Not much new here. Bud can't act without the MLBPA, so he has an easy scapegoat. I still don't believe he or the owners really wants a strong testing program, but even one that looks better (and does a similar amount of nothing) like the NFL might get some of the heat off.

What interests me is his mention of the unilateral minor league testing program. I'm no minor league expert, but I know we have some that read this. Has this program done much? Have there been athletes caught, punished, or more importantly, helped? That Turnbow and Sledge got through the program seems to indicate that it doesn't compare well to the Olympic testing program. If anyone has more details (or better, a link to more details so everyone can read it), I think it's an important issue.

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