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2004-01-12 04:17
by Will Carroll

We talk about a bit of everything, but I want to thank everyone this weekend for what turned out to be a very educational, substantive discussion. As your virtual host here, I thank you for making this a cool place to occasional hang out. Please, check the comments where there's lots of good stuff going on.

So as I seek to find a replacement for Buffy The Vampire Slayer as 'coolest show on TV' - and no, Angel doesn't quite cut it - I find myself enjoying 24 a bit less this season. Not sure why - it's still fresh, still interesting, and the nice plot twist in the first third wasn't telegraphed. I was late to the party with Line Of Fire, but it's interesting. I look forward to catching up, but it's not quite there yet ... I think I'd like more of the boss, but I may have missed that. Both CSI's are solid - I like the stories on CSI more and the people on Miami more - but cool? Not at a Buffy level. I guess I'll wait for Survivor All-Stars or something. Suggestions?

Now, how the bleep did "Ice Castles" get on my To Do List?

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