Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
Ok, so this is probably the first and last time you'll ever see me talk about soccer on here, but this story interests me. Malcolm Glazer tried to buy the Dodgers, but was shot down by the NFL - not because of money, but because of ownership rules and a perception that Glazer wanted to 'claim' the LA market for himself. (As we all know, Al Davis owns LA ...) Anyway, now Glazer is buying more of perhaps the biggest sports franchise in the world outside of the Yankees ... and doesn't Man Utd show some games on YES? Just interesting ...
While I'm on the tangential topic of the Dodgers, someone "very close to" Jeff Smulyan said he's out of the picture for the Dodgers, but is still hoping to get the broadcast franchises encased in the deal, which is what he wanted anyway. I know jack about the McCourt bid, but baseball and Murdoch will be in a world of hurt if the bid falls apart ... sadder still considering it's next to impossible to sell one of the top teams in the sport. How does baseball expect to get something close for the Expos?
Here's one for you to comment on ... if everyone, Windows and Mac, has access to iTunes, would it bother anyone if we archived BPR in AAC format instead of MP3?
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.