Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
Sorry for the lack of updates, but there's been ... well ... nothing interesting going on. I'm hard at work on STP, putting together one of the coolest concepts at BP, and prepping the "Stats Class" article series that will begin after Thanksgiving, also at BP.
If you're in Chicago, DC (maybe), NoCal or SoCal, watch for Pizza Feed announcements. They'll all be "Mock Winter Meetings" where we'll give everyone a chance to be Beane-for-a-day ... or Lamar, Littlefield, or Hendry. Should be a blast.
A little bit of the story that never ends ... Lots of Rose watching. Last week was the first where the announcement might have happened, but obviously, it didn't. This week? Doubt it. When? I'm honestly not sure. I've said that I expected it to be in late November, but it's never been something I've seen or heard a date on.
The best explanation is in John Erardi's Cincy Enquirer article . It's a bit of timing, a bit of negotiation, and a bit of arrogance. But no one says it's NOT happening or that it's scuttled or even that what Derek and I published back in August is ... what was the phrase? Oh yeah, "irresponsible."
Note some language here ... in Peter's latest , we have this phrase: "Now these questions, raised by taxpayers who paid for Selig's park and legislators that he lobbied and it is necessary for all questions to be cleared up posthaste for it not to taint the man who is bringing Pete Rose back into the game." (Emphasis mine.) Does that sounds like anyone's questioning it? Jayson Stark also has some of his patented Rumblings on the subject of Pete.
Enough of Bowlhead ... Phil Rogers has ... wait. Phil Rogers? Yeah, he has an interesting look at non-tenders. Looper? Durazo? Burnett? Ummm ... interesting about does it. Does it strike anyone as odd that every GM is saying stuff about non-tenders? "Record number" and "good bunch" keep coming up in conversations ... eh, Frank?
My iPod is delayed a week. Dammit. I'll try to make it through somehow.
Oh, and check out Joss Stone.
I'll leave you with this important concept. Believe me, you'll be seeing this soon.
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.