Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
Keep your eyes open over the next couple weeks. While baseball will do almost nothing over that period that appears to have anything to do with on-the-field things, there's important stuff happening behind the scenes. Tim Marchman's article, reprinted on Bronx Banter, was the opening shot against MLB's wrongheaded moves that purport to be in secret. There's more coming and while I'm dismissive of most of the collusion talk - it happens both ways - there's actions being taken that, if they can be brought to light, will shock, then change things.
Bud is becoming like Bush. I'm sure they have their good points, are personally charming, and have good intentions at the heart of their actions. However, arrogance, secrecy, and money will, in the end, topple both.
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.