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A Hero Rants
2003-11-01 15:16
by Will Carroll

It's a new classic Gammons column . I make no secret of my hero worship towards Peter, so take this with a suitably sized grain(s) of salt, but Peter might just be better when he writes about the Red Sox. Like me towards the Cubs, I have a hard time keeping emotion out of the equation. Say what you want about what he writes sometimes but NO ONE (including me) has better sources. If I didn't know better, I'd be convinced that he goes all Mission:Impossible on a couple front offices ... but I don't know a front office that doesn't do bug sweeps.
Speaking of movies, does anyone here play HSX?

I wonder if this is original: Derek Zumsteg pointed out that the columns he writes and thinks he'll get email about are inverse to the actual results. Very true. The ones I am proudest of seldom get the responses. Of course, I could do a Pete Rose story and ...

Oh, I was on the Graham Bensinger Show today and the media equivalent of Theo Epstein had some soundbites from another recent amazing 'get' of his. I got to hear some clips from a sit-down he had with Mike Schmidt. Very, very interesting stuff that you'll be hearing a lot more about in the very near future.

Finally, I'm just leaving the name of this thing "Will Carroll Weblog", even though I don't like the word 'weblog' and like 'blog' even less.

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