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2003-10-12 20:45
by Will Carroll

Tough rainout for the ALCS. I'm not sure if the extra day favors either team. The Red Sox don't actually get an extra day's rest for Pedro and the way he pitched yesterday, I'm not sure you want him in there. (More on this in tomorrow's UTK.) If it's a wash, I think MAYBE the Sox get to regroup a little bit more and the Yanks momentum, FWIW, is slowed slightly. I'll stick with the Yanks in six, sealing it with Pettitte.

I was very conflicted watching the Cubs today. I wanted them to win, but I also wanted to go to Game Six in Chicago, where I have press credentials. I didn't get to go to Games One or Two due to extenuating circumstances, but I'll admit a selfish desire to be there when Prior clinches it. If anyone's in the Chicago area, I'm looking for a place to crash :) Yeah, Im cheap. It's honestly something I can't imagine. Not sure if I'll be able to blog from the ballpark, but I'll try.

UTK tomorrow, so be sure to check out BP. I may be back in this space later with my long promised outline.

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