Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
That title's not accurate ... one of the first things I did when I started doing UTK was ask the 12 or so readers I had at that point for help selecting a big screen. It was a gift and I wanted to make sure it was a good one. I ended up getting a JVC I-Art 48" HD. Amazing picture, nice silver frame, and all the hookups and doo-dads you could imagine.
Including one I never used until Monday and will again tonight.
Instead of PIP, it turns the TV into the equivalent of two side-by-side 27" TVs. On Monday, I had the Red Sox vs A's on one screen (with sound) and the Colts getting whacked until the last two minutes on the other side. Very solid. Tonight, I'll have both LCS's going, but I know I'm one of the lucky ones. Too many people will need to flip between Fox and FX and I'll wager many still don't have FX. None of the games in HD, because Fox doesn't use HD, which sucks and should be illegal. Baseball needs a better partner. The ratings have proven that when baseball is good and when it's not anti-marketing, it beats the NBA to death. The NFL, well, it's a sport that requires no commitment and is built for those with short attention spans and America's full of that demographic. Baseball's done well with MLB.TV, so why not a Baseball Channel? There's plenty of cheap content ... or does the Extra Innings package already do this?
I love options. I love digital cable. I love baseball. I just need more eyes.
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.