Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
It's fun to watch the Bush White House burn down in the face of its own hypocrisy.
I do have to go on record with something here, but I have said it before. This is merely making sure that someone who I respect does not get caught up in the web that MLB wants to lay for me.
In no uncertain terms: Brad Kullman, Assistant General Manager of the Cincinnati Reds, is not my source for the Pete Rose story I published (with Derek Zumsteg) on August 12th. I have never discussed the story or my sources with Mr. Kullman.
During his BP chat today, Kullman was asked if he was the source and he denied being such. I would like to confirm this denial and say once again that he was in no way involved in the story, both before and after the publication.
I continue to stand by the story and feel that my sources, both inside and outside of baseball, will be proven to be accurate.
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.