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College Picks 13-4 Over Past 3 Weeks
2006-11-29 19:47
by Scott Long

4-1 in Colleges and 4-2 in the NFL last week, including keeping my 4-star pro picks perfect at 4-0, with an easy win on the Colts. For the year, I'm 34-25 in the colleges () and 27-28 on NFL choices.

This week the colleges have a small schedule and I don't like much of anything. I will go with Florida(-2.5) over Arkansas for a 3 rated selection. On the star basis this year I'm plus 19, which would have made you some real dough. I'm basically even on the NFL (+1).

Here are my NFL Picks

4 star Denver(-3) Seattle
3 star Cincinnati(-3) Baltimore
3 star Miami(-1) Jacksonville
3 star Carolina(-3) Philly
2 star NY Giants(+4) Dallas
2 star New Orleans(-7) San Francisco

Denver played on Thursday night, while Seattle played on Monday. Huge advantage for rest and preparation goes to Broncos. Rookie QB Cutler will be lifted by energized Mile High crowd. Will 4 stars go 5-0?
It seems like a no-brainer to go with Ravens, but put me in the small minority that are not convinced they are in the Colts and Chargers AFC level.
Miami wishes they could start season in week 8 each year, as they are great under Saban in 2nd half.
Philly is a mess and the Panthers have to win.
Despite the Giants pointing fingers, I just think this is the week Romo comes back to earth.
The 49ers are hot, but haven't been playing good teams. They fall short in the Big Easy.

2006-11-29 22:10:54
1.   Gagne55
But will the USC Trojans win?
2006-11-30 08:20:36
2.   Scott Long
I think the Trojans will win, but not crazy about the spread. USC comes off a bigger game and faces the Bruins, who consider this there own biggest game. I would guess the SC will win by about 10-17, which is why I didn't choose it.

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