Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
So Bob Dylan thinks that there hasn't been anything good recorded in the past 20 years, ever since LP's bit the dust. I'm old enough to remember records and I have still kept over 200 of them, as they hold sentimental value to me. I would agree to a certain extent that there is a crispness in sound that comes out of the needle hitting the groove, but CD's didn't scratch and were a lot more portable. Major technological leap. Now MP3's have made it even easier to access music.
I find it sad that Mr. Tamborine Man, who was a spokesman for a new generation in the 1960's, a generation that embraced a new way of doing things is now just a cranky old man who can only see the past. Hey Bob, I'll give you this. I haven't heard anything from you in well-over 20 years that I would want to listen to. (Yeah, that includes the one's that have won you Grammy's) So go ahead and put on a scratchy copy of Blonde on Blonde, as it was never your sound that made people want to listen, it was your words. Now your words are that of a cranky old man. Stay Off of My Lawn Talking Blues.
On more let's slap Bob Dylan to the curb news, his XM satellite radio show sucks. I enjoy some of his selections, but the whole Dylan as DJ doesn't work, as his speaking voice is pretty ridiculous. What is most irritating is how the promo commercial for his show constantly airs on XM Extreme, Channel 202. This is the channel that airs Opie and Anthony and the best show in radio, Ron and Fez. Between having Major League Baseball and Ron and Fez is enough for me to choose XM over Sirius. With all the acquisitions lately by Sirius, though, the gap is smaller between which is the better product.
I wasn't sold initially on if Rock Star on CBS would be as good as last year. Well, I was wrong, as the show is vastly superior to the 2005 edition. The singers seem to be a bit older and are much more developed in their style and substance. From the first show, I mentioned that Dilana, Lukas, and Toby were the 3 to beat and I don't see anything to change this. I was pretty shocked that Ryan, last night, was booted, as he had probably produced 4 of the 10 best performances of the year. By not choosing him, it really demonstrates that Supernovaa is not looking to be a real hard rock band, but something a little more eclectic. If you haven't been watching Rockstar Supernova, you've missed the best reality show of the year. I thought this was the best season of American Idol, but the talent and stories behind the performers on Rockstar once again blow away the pop sheen of AI. It really comes down to would you rather listen to covers of Nirvana and Radiohead or would you rather hear covers of Celine Dion and Brian McKnight?
What exactly is the point of this entry? Am I, a lifelong Dylan fan, supposed to be persuaded? I guess it only is meant to reflect the mindset of someone who would actually link to Blender magazine.
See you later, Scott Long. You crisply provided prima facie evidence that nothing you write about anything is worth reading.
Television = Reality TV
Hollywood movies = Special effects, blow'em up.
Music = Chillingly cookie cutter.
I can't think of one new (out in the last 2-3 months) that I would care to download off the internet (through legal means of course) and I'm not even old enough to be considered a grumpy ole man. :)
vr, Xei
I'm just wondering if the whole Dilana blow up was all staged.
I'd rather see the House Band tour though. They bring it on every song.
Dylan was expressing his opinion forgive the man for having one. Also, when we are Dylan's age I'll bet you anything there will be certian topics about which web will sound like cranky old dorks.
The whole, 'vinyl sounds better than CD' thing is bullshit. CDs have a much wider dynamic range, they are exactly as good sounding as what is put on them. If you want some mythological "analog warmth," mix it that way and that's what you'll hear by the time you get to the CD.
If Dylan said nothing good has been recorded in the last 20 years (what was the last 'good' album anyway?? The Travelling Wilbury's??), well he's a moron. I'm 37 and probably 9 out of my 10 favorite albums ever are from the last 10 years.
As far as Derek Jeter, a groundball will take care of him soon enough...
Vinyl just has that "feel at home" about it.
As far as you not liking his recent efforts, I suppose the question needs to be asked- have you heard any of it? Song such as "Not Dark Yet", "Cold Irons Bound", or "Mississippi"? These songs are arguably among the finest he's written. I say arguably because it would not be hard to find a large number of music listeners or critics to agree. It is, naturally, purely a matter of opinion. I'm just curious if you formed your opinion by actually hearing these, and the many other fine songs, on his last three albums?
Finally, I have a large circle of friends that record the XM shows and discuss the at length. Rather than think his show sucks, we eagerly look forward to each one. His song selections are great and, frankly, he cracks me up. I think he's hilarious.
You are, of course, entitled to your own point of view, however ineloquently you choose to state it.
But, as stated above, Ron and Fez is the greatest thing going.
sirius for Howard vs XM for baseball, if i had a ton of money i'd have both.
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