Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
I could give a crap about the California political system. Its broken and is only going to get worse. If they elect Ahhnuld, there's sure to be a vast right-wing conspiracy to recall him (or McClintock or Coleman or anyone). What worries me is the big-ass out of control California economy. What I think most people are missing is that Indiana's in a pretty big economic hole as well, as is most every state except maybe Nevada.
That makes the problem national. It's not a recall issue for most of us, it's an election issue in 2004.
All I learned by watching this debate is that Cruz Bustamante kinda looks and sounds like James Earl Jones if you squint and that Ahhhnuld needs better debate prep - he was clearly built around getting to one liners and catchphrases.
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.