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Cubs Win!
2003-09-24 03:21
by Will Carroll

Cubs Win! Cubs Win!

I was frighteningly sure that Wood was going to come back out in the eighth at 121 pitches, but Dusty went to his pen and they held true against Chattanooga ... I mean, Cincinnati. If the Giants can take down battlin' Roy Oswalt, things are looking good.

Ok, I'm doing a load of BPR interviews tomorrow and since there's that comment button down there and people are actually reading this thing since links are just flying up ... can't stay secret long, I guess ... if you have suggestions, let me know.
I'll be speaking with Ross Newhan of the LA Times, Susan Vinella of the Cleveland Plain Dealer (one of the authors of the awesome "Game Plan" articles over there - tomorrow's section is on pitcher injuries), Dan Dickerson - voice of the Tigers, and I'm efforting Peter Gammons. One of those will get bumped if I get Peter, but hey, I'll bump my mom for ten minutes with Peter. Yes, he's my hero and inspiration. Knock him all you want and I'll defend him to the death.

And if you're in the Toronto area, the Feed sounds AWESOME.

Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.