Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
I'd like to clarify something. A couple articles were written this week that referenced me as a "licensed sports trainer." This is not correct, in either sense. I am not a Certified Athletic Trainer. My father is. We have the same name and were co-authors on "The Juice" so I understand why some might get confused. I just want everyone to be clear that I am not passing myself off as anything I am not.
You would think the media would actually be paying more attention to details particularly in this area where an accusation can mean a lawsuit.
Has anyone been following the Giants/KNBR situation? I'd like to hear Will's take on that.
The cream of wheat is more insulting because it had nothing to do with the box; old people like cream of wheat. The AP just ran with that.
But, isn't it odd how suddenly a lot of people were interested in the Giants as the A's were running away with the BayArea popularity?
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.