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Toaster Game Watch in Chicago (May 18)
2005-05-09 08:44
by Scott Long

Will and I will be up at US Cellular to catch the Sox playing the Rangers on May 18. The game starts at 2:05 and we were thinking about meeting up with any of our readers at around 12:30, so if you are interested, mark it down on your calendar. Even if you are a Cub fan, aren't you curious how the Southsiders have a winning percentage around .800?

Now, we are taking suggestions on where to meet up at, as there isn't exactly a lot of great places to go to around the Cell. Please use the comments area to help us on this decision. I figure we could meet up inside the park, but we are open to any of your other suggestions, as long as it is in walking distance. Hope to see you there. Send me an email at if you are interested in attending or have any questions.

2005-05-09 10:15:18
1.   Plate O Shrimp
Go to Jimbo's Bar (3258 S Princeton) across from Armor Square Park Between W 33rd St and W 32nd St... Great sausage and peppers/beer. It's a sox and after work hang out. A little dicey if you tend to mouth off, so be warned. Alternatively, your only other real option is the bullpen sports bar in lower right field of the park. If you are meeting your readers, that's probably the place to go...
2005-05-09 10:57:56
2.   Scott Long
I figured the bullpen sports bar was the way to go, but I wanted to throw it out for other suggestions. Thanks Shrimp, thought your offensive breakout in the fantasy league this week pissed me off.
2005-05-09 14:12:33
3.   TFD invite?

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