Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
Clay Aiken has a new book out and isn’t it about time? I mean the guy has lived in the national spotlight for a whole year now. It’s a story that desperately needs to be told. The Clay Aiken biography makes about as much sense to me as when Vanilla Ice followed up his debut with a live CD.
Speaking of Biography, it’s time for the show A&E Biography to calls it quits. This used to be a great show, giving hour-long bios on the great political and artistic figures of mankind, but it would appear like they’ve run out of subjects. Case in point, recently they had (cue dramatic A&E music) Biography, John Stamos. I guess Blackie from General Hospital must be considered in the same breath as a DeNiro or a Pacino, by the A&E network. Sure Uncle Jessie is a much beloved figure to pre-pubescent girls, but to me the only noteworthy thing he’s ever done in his career was marry Rebecca Romain.
Yes, the E! True Hollywood Story is worse, but at least E! knows they are lowest common denominator TV. On the other hand, if your channel name is Arts and Entertainment, John Stamos should not even appear in commercials on your network.
Can someone explain the whole Jude Law phenomenon? He currently has 4 movies out in the Theatres now, despite never having a box-office success that he was responsible for. In this month’s issue of GQ, the magazine has selected Law "Man of the Year". What, was John Stamos not a nominee?
Piece of advice for Hollywood studios: Don’t have British actors be your lead actors, as American men don’t like to listen to them. This is why the successful foreign actors in movies are from Scotland, Australia or New Zealand, as they don’t sound like a bunch of English dandies. It’s fine to have English actors play secondary roles, but keep them away from the leads, as they are poison for big budget movies.
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