Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
To take my mind off life in general ... and yes, I'll get back to the "All Baseball" ethic soon ... I watched a film I love, but haven't seen in years: The Warriors.
Time hasn't done well by this film. It's obviously of that odd late 70's/early 80's visual, yet it is both laughable in some ways (a gang of mimes?) and disquieting.
Cyrus comes off as a mythic figure and The Warriors' quest to get back to "their turf" is Homeric. It's one of those stick with you for no reason, quoteable movies like "Real Genius" or "Office Space." Worth a look, if only for the metaphor, before it is remade in 2006.
"We fought all night just to get back to this?"
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.