Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
I voted today, in what was a relatively painless process. It will surprise none of you that I broke my streak and actually voted for a Democrat for President. I had hoped VotePair would hook me up, but since Nader isn't on the ballot in Indiana, no such luck. There was about a ten minute line, but if you're at all time-constrained next Tuesday, I'd definitely suggest early voting. Every vote is going to be very important since almost all polls show this very close.
This analysis looks interesting, since the shoe could be on the other foot, especially considering the Incumbent rule. My personal best case scenario is a near-split Senate and a near-split House (minus one Tom DeLay), putting the government in a lockdown on most issues that there's rampant disagreement on while leaving the possibility of some compromise on the very important issues like Supreme Court appointments, stem cell research, and getting the Cubs a World Series title.
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.