Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
Yes, you are. Everyone is. On Monday night (ACLS Game Five), Fox's game TRIPLED Monday Night Football, the once-unassailable totem of the NFL. It also won in the male demos, esp the 18-35 that supposedly isn't "watching tv" anymore. Not only that, but the NLCS - mostly on FX - also doubled the NFL ratings. In hopes of getting on David Hill's good side, I'll commend Fox for their coverage. The "Diamond View" is crap, McCarver's often McCarver, but overall, great coverage.
With both series going to Seven, a golden matchup in the AL, great play in the NL (and Clemens on the mound tomorrow), could Fox have scripted this any better? My suggestion: A Babe Ruth lookalike sitting in the Yankees dugout or at least a big part of the pre-game festivities.
In comments, what's yours?
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.