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2005-03-21 15:34
by Will Carroll

For those of you that ask what the street date is for "The Juice", I can still say "no clue, but we're hurrying." There is, at least, a web page at my publisher that will lead you to pre-sale links (at the bottom.)

Both Barnes & Noble and Books-A-Million have pre-orders up and running. Amazon has a page up, but is not yet taking pre-orders. I won't hit you with a bunch of plugs for the book here but it's easier to post than answer FAQs.

BTW, any Toast-readers in Atlanta? I'm looking for travel tips.

2005-03-21 20:59:11
1.   Anthony
I'll laugh if your book makes it into bookstores before Steven Goldman's. I've been waiting for "Forging Genius" for a few months now.
2005-03-22 20:42:58
2.   bravos25
I'm from the ATL man, what do you need to know?
2005-03-22 22:55:43
3.   Will Carroll
Bravos - email me and I'll ask my questions.
2005-03-23 06:29:23
4.   TFD
No discussion here regarding Barry's latest comments?

Everyone is just tired I guess.

Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.