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2005-03-13 03:50
by Will Carroll

The New York Daily News drops a bomb on baseball with more revelations from the FBI. The reporters on the story did an amazing job of documenting things, even providing the exact array of steroids used. These match up with what I've been told again and again are the drugs used in baseball.

With this story, baseball and especially Mark McGwire is going to have to go defensive ahead of the Congressional hearings. I really don't have any idea how either will come out looking good. I also don't have an idea how the public is going to take this. My guess - poorly.

2005-03-13 09:23:19
1.   Derek J
Looks like Jose's gonna have some 'splaining to do... Does Canseco even mention Wenzlaff in his book? Or in Jose's mind, did he become "the Chemist" all on his own?

One other thing. Usually I'm not a "but what about the children?" sort, but I do wonder about publishing Big Mac's steroid regimen in the paper. It lent an important air of reality to the piece, but I wonder if come monday morning, high school athletes around the country aren't going to be trolling their local gyms looking for "testosterone cypionate, testosterone enanthate, equipoise and winstrol v" because it worked so well for Macguire.

2005-03-13 10:20:26
2.   CubsFanatic
The public is either lethargic or jaded when it comes to "caring" about steroids in baseball, and as such, will pay attention to the respective steroid testimonies, but will brush them aside regardless of the Congressional result.
2005-03-13 12:12:40
3.   scareduck
Will -- if anybody could answer this question, it's you. I seem to recall that McGwire was on prescribed steroids after he sustained an injury in the 1997/98 offseason. Am I remembering correctly?
2005-03-13 14:30:48
4.   Will Carroll
Duck - I've got no memory of that, but it predates my watching injuries closely. I would think that if he did have a prescription, that would have been brought out already, much as it was with Giambi last year (for medical purposes.)

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