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Bad Good OBP
2004-09-10 10:48
by Ken Arneson

Erubiel Durazo has the hardest name to type in MLB history. I think the correct spelling actually contains backspaces.

Susan Slusser has an interesting article about him in today's SF Chronicle. Last year, he was the perfect example of taking the walks-are-good philosophy too far. He was

drawing a tremendous number of walks, but doing little else and leading A's statistics expert David Feldman to coin the terms "good on-base percentage and bad good on-base percentage.''

This year Dra^H^Hurza^H^Hazo is actually doing what Billy Beane expected when he traded for him. He's hitting. Money quote:

"It kind of works together,'' A's hitting coach Dave Hudgens said. "Sometimes last year, guys were working for a walk, when what you want to do is work for your pitch (to hit). You want to be aggressive, and walks come as a byproduct. That's why I think Ruby's walk total will be up next year, because on-base percentage comes from respect.''
It's an amazingly fine line that batters have to balance between aggression and patience, isn't it?

The same goes for typists.

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