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2004-09-06 22:44
by Will Carroll

I know I said I was going to talk baseball, but ... man, nothings happening today.

Michael Moore is saying that he's not going for the Best Documentary award so that he can put Fahrenheit 9/11 on TV. Good, but he might want to drop it in his email that he'll still be eligible for Best Picture (and that the Weinstein Machine is focused on this.) Moore is a lightning rod and for as much "good" (I know it's a relative term) he does for the Dems, doing something like that doesn't help next time someone calls something a lie.

I want to have a substantive discussion over the next couple weeks, so I need your help, fair readers. Inspired a bit by Andrew Sullivan - someone outgrowing the Cohnian tag TFD laid on him - I am curious what everyone's take on the issues are. To do this, I need to know what the important issues are to you. So please, in comments, do something simple: List the THREE top issues that define you politically. Nothing more. Just three, in order. We'll discuss them later.

I once had a religion prof who would attack any position. He'd tear into people who operated on faith, who couldn't defend the position, even if they were right. I saw him reduce guys to tears and girls to sobbing heaps only to turn around and build them right back up in the space of a 50-minute hour. Let's use that as our goal.

Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.