Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
I can remember watching the Iran-Contra hearings and making fun of this guy's name. Now, he's back as a central figure in an espionage/conspiracy racket. I'm worried this is too complex and too vague to make much of a media hit, especially in the face of the RNC. Iran-Contra didn't make enough of an impact to try and make an equation meme; hell, Iran-Contra created the myth of Oliver North.
Modern American scandals must involve sex, money, or videotape to gain traction. This has none of those elements and is complex enough to go right over the head of most people. (Is the dumbing down of the public education system part of the plan to let politicians do pretty much whatever they want?)
It's sad; sad enough to make me start considering leaving the country I love and looking at real estate prices and internet access in Canada or the Caribbean.
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.