Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
He's an "artist and performer." Proving he's as good with prose as poetry and truly this generation's voice, ladies and gentlemen, The Boss!
I welcome this kind of passion, but I also wonder if it doesn't feed the divisive beast. Can't Rove now point to "Hollywood" trying to influence the election? Can't Bush continue the anti-elitist, anti-intellectual theme of his life despite privilege and higher education? Are there more people that will listen to the Confederate remnants of our society than the Brahmins?
Gouvernour Morris inserted the word "United" into the Declaration of Independence in hopes that the colonies becoming states would indeed stand together for the common good of the new nation. There are moments in our history that are truly united and those tend to be the greatest moments of our times. There was one near September 11th, but that's gone, lost to the past. That opportunity is gone, but there will be others, if we're only more ready to sieze them.
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.