Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
Now, Phil Carter has done it again. All day, he's been nails on this smoking gun memo about torture. His link will allow you to look at the document yourself, so there should be no questions. His point to FN 14 (pg 17) is especially damning. The President made a determination that al-Qaeda and the Taliban were not subject to Geneva or Hague protections. (Those of you with military pasts will know these as important guards against enemy interrogations. Name, rate, and serial number, sailor ...)
It's harder and harder to say that this administration did not knowingly and willfully lie in arguments before the Supreme Court, something I'm still getting my head around, but sounds worse than Watergate.
In other news, Pedro and Ben Sheets are good pitchers.
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.