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Cheney Finally Does an "Interview"
2004-06-04 17:25
by Scott Long

So I'm flipping around my tv in my hotel room in Houston (why is it that the nice hotels have 13 channels to choose from, where if you're in a Motel 6 you have 60?) when I see VP Cheney being interviewed by Larry Kudlow. I recommend catching a replay of this, as it has to be seen to be believed. Kudlow lobs questions at Cheney like a pitcher in Coors Field, to the point where the VP only has to answer in a sentence or two, as Kudlow seems to have gotten his questions straight from Scooter Libby. Kudlow accepts everything Cheney says, using an interview style which I call missionary style, doing everything but putting his legs above his head for Dick.

Kudlow, if you are not familiar, only breathes the nitrous oxide air that supply-side economists must consists on to hallucinate their ideas. His pet issue was the dividend tax-cut, which might have been a short-term stimulus for the market, but overall was just another Bush/Cheney giveaway to the wealthy. (Instead of getting into the specifics of this, I will just wait to get hammered in the comments section and give my rebuttal.)

I have always enjoyed the wild man antics of co-host Jim Cramer (the Dick Vitale of Investing), but as he spends more time with Kudlow, he has drifted further and further in seeing the whole world through a supply side lens. I do recommend listening to Kramer's book on tape of "Confessions of a Trading Addict", as it's interesting to hear Cramer rant and tell about his manic-depressive life. Not sure I believe all of Cramer's version of his story, but it's pretty damn interesting, especially listening to him go nutty.

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