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BALCO, again
2004-05-02 01:24
by Will Carroll

Dan linked it below, so I won't bother with the coding.

I've been able to independently confirm all the facts in Heyman's story, not that I doubted him. The question now is: how does the government leak the results? I'm reasonably sure that's the motive here, or at least the threat. Everything else in this case has been leaked, from grand jury testimony to Bud's - errr, an unnamed baseball source's opinions after a gag order was issued.

The 87 positive tests now have names attached. What I can't get anyone to tell me is whether or not the players actually know if they tested positive. Yes, if a player took an illegal substance, they should know it. Let's assume conservatively that most if not all were using some form of masking agent, were at the end of a cycle (ie, "low levels"), or used a non-testable substance like THG.

While we're at it, where are the test results from the seized samples from a few weeks back at Quest's Las Vegas labs?

Heyman makes it sound like the MLBPA may have played into the hands of the Feds or the owners. I'm confident that Don Fehr and Gene Orza haven't fired all their bullets, so watch for that gunfight to come. While the chants of "BALCO" will follow the BALCO Ten around stadiums this season, the storm clouds are gathering and the whispers are getting louder, seemingly all from inside the government's case.

Someone send Bud a copy of Mother Goose and Eight Men Out. One of those books will be his model - either the Goose That Laid The Golden Egg, or Kennesaw Mountain Selig.

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