Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
Thanks for the emails ... sorry to have been quiet here, but as the season gets going, I have two major products under the BP umbrella, plus a secondary task which has big importance.
I'm rushing through the THR's since I've fallen quite off the pace I need to in order to get them all out in time. Worse, I realize that there's a success effect - people like the THRs and want them all in time for fantasy drafts. It's something I'll note next year when I won't be pushed back by ... oh jeez, who knows? I have no idea what next year might bring!
I'm also working VERY HARD on BPR. Getting things lined up for all the season preview stuff takes a TON of work, but hopefully will pay off. We're also doing another big affiliate push, so as always, check your local listings!
Finally, I handle the customer service at BP and with renewal season - which is going gangbusters - the problems ramp up as thousands of people try to deal with the occasional technical problem. It's taken much more time than I'd budgeted.
But that's why we have TFD around ... except he's jetsetting this week and formulating his take on the steroid story. So, I'll leave you with - how 'bout that James Loney today?
Man, wasn't it good to see the green grass again?
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.