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Yeah, That's My County
2008-10-23 22:37
by Will Carroll

The county I live in has no Democrats running for office this year. Not one.

Even better, the woman mentioned in this article? She's the one that checked my ID when I did early voting and gave me a look when I took a camera phone picture to verify my E-Vote.

A "joke"? Not to me, it's not. I bet it's not to this lady either.

I don't care who you vote for. Actually, I do, but I'll defend your right to choose, so please, just vote.

2008-10-28 09:44:38
1.   grandcosmo
Do you defend someone's right to choose not to vote?

I live in Los Angeles County and while there are Republicans running for office almost all of them will lose. When I went in to vote in the primary on June 8 this year I thought I had walked into the Democratic Party headquarters.

The voting system is fouled up but neither party is willing to fix it.

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