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2008-09-24 15:15
by Will Carroll

These are tentative playoff rotations, pending a LOT of things. Just based on conversations from today and a lot of play in there. More for entertainment value and discussion than anything else.

Tampa vs Chicago (Minnesota)

G1: Kazmir vs Buehrle (Blackburn)
G2: Shields vs Floyd (Liriano)
G3: Garza vs Danks (Baker)
G4: Kazmir vs Vazquez (Slowey)
G5: Shields vs Buehrle (Blackburn)

Los Angeles vs Boston

G1: Lackey vs Matsuzaka
G2: Santana vs Beckett
G3: Saunders vs Lester
G4: Weaver vs Matsuzaka
G5: Lackey vs Beckett

Chicago vs New York

G1: Harden vs Perez
G2: Dempster vs Santana
G3: Zambrano/Lilly vs Pelfrey
G4: Lilly/Zambrano vs Martinez/Perez
G5: Harden vs Santana

Philly vs Los Angeles

G1: Lowe vs Hamels
G2: Kurdoda vs Myers
G3: Billingsley vs Blanton
G4: Kershaw vs Moyer
G5: Lowe vs Hamels

2008-09-24 15:49:50
1.   Josh Wilker
I'd be surprised and disappointed if the Bosox pitch Dice-K twice instead of Lester.
2008-09-24 16:22:41
2.   Prescott Pete
Kurdoda to the rescue!
2008-09-24 16:24:07
3.   Tripon
Billingsley is pitching game two no matter what.
2008-09-24 16:35:45
4.   Mr Customer
Kershaw v Moyer would be the youngest and oldest active players starting against each other. I'm not sure that's ever happened in the regular season, much less the postseason.
2008-09-24 18:43:59
5.   Will Carroll
Very cool on #4.

#3 -- why?

2008-09-25 09:31:14
6.   Jon Weisman
5 - That's what everyone involved with the Dodgers has said, and Billingsley has been in the team's top two since April, and Kuroda has a better record at home than on the road.

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