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2008-09-23 19:43
by Will Carroll

Not Edita!

You bastard!

You killed Edita! I will not forgive ...

2008-09-23 20:45:36
1.   Ken Arneson
I googled this, and I still have no idea what the heck this is about.
2008-09-23 21:00:27
2.   jgpyke
Now the Jodi Foster crush makes sense: You are actually a woman, trapped in a man's body. That can be your only excuse for having strong opinions about DWTS.
2008-09-23 21:14:40
3.   Will Carroll
You're criticizing me for wanting to stare at a hot chick, suggesting I'm gay. Yeahhhhh .... you couldn't spell logic if I spotted you the log and the ic, could you pyke?
2008-09-24 04:56:51
4.   williamnyy23
1 Me either? I thought it was going to be Scott lamenting a horrible performance by Javi, but instead it's a picture of an attractive women and a young-Charlie Steiner look alike.
2008-09-24 06:59:31
5.   Penarol1916
I'll admit that I enjoy Dancing with the Stars. I probably never would have started watching if it wasn't for my daughter, but there are teams that I would prefer to go further, primarily the ones with those two blonde dancers, Edyta, and then that red-head from Russia, who I don't think is on this year.
2008-09-24 08:52:13
6.   Johan
A roast of WC could go on for millenia. There's just so...much...material.
2008-09-24 08:57:02
7.   MC Safety
2008-09-24 12:44:12
8.   Brent is a Dodger Fan
1 ,4 The misspelling is what made you not catch this on Google.

Edyta is a professional dancer, and the second picture is Jeffrey Ross, her partner on Dancing with the Stars. I found that all out by Googling "Edyta", so if you do the same, you can read all about it.

For my part, I wish I never had!

2008-09-24 13:05:20
9.   George Y
Ahh, this "no" is nothing. I want to hear what Scott has to say about the incredibly surprising news--Clay Aiken is gay! Who would have guessed it!

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