Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
John Mayer said, in introducing his song Gravity, that "this is the song that changed my life. I'm not even sure how yet." It might seem a bit flip, even precious, but it's provocative.
Merlin Mann wrote this essay, Better. He nailed it.
I'm working on my own version. I have no idea what it will turn out to be, but I'm feeling it bubbling under the surface. I think I have been ignoring it for too long. Maybe the voice is back.
But my last post reminded me what I don't want to do. I've noticed that I'm learning more in the negative, which is pushing me to the positive. The way is becoming clearer, or maybe I'm just looking again, differently.
This blog has always been a narcissistic tool of catharsis for a man rightly accused of arrogance, logorrhea, and incivility. I can write without caring a damn what you think and then check the comments without the slightest sense of hypocrisy. It's not changing, though you can expect a lot of change. "Love me or leave me alone." It's an off switch, a block button, a spam filter, and a world apart, so if you don't like it, well ... start your own blog and beat me at my game.
John Mayer plays, below:
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.