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Just Sayin'
2008-09-02 14:58
by Will Carroll

I promise, my next post will not be political, but sometimes this stuff just writes itself.

2008-09-02 15:20:25
1.   Tripon
Are you hoping for lesbian sex between first ladies? Does Michell Obama gets in the action? Is it too sexist to wish to see Palin in the action?
2008-09-02 15:23:44
2.   Elliot
The connection there is what exactly? That they're each photos of two females you don't like standing next to each other?
2008-09-02 16:02:36
3.   kirbyk
Elliot is probably lucky enough to not live in a battleground state. :-)

McCain has spent a lot of money airing an ad that features Paris Hilton and Britney Spears images, and then paints Obama as a Celebrity.

It's fairly substanceless, even for modern politics, but at least we can get some amusement out of such things. (I'm not sure who is really more famous of the two candidates, but I'm very sure it's a terrible issue to decide who you're voting for on.)

2008-09-02 16:13:57
4.   digmyearth
At this of seeming old- I have no idea who the girl on the right is. I recognize Laura Bush... err, I recognize Paris Hilton, but I have no idea who she's hugging.

Not that I want to know really. Ignorance feels really good right now.

Keep the political stuff coming Will- I'm still laughing about McCain - MILF '08.

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