Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
Sports Illustrated.
Chicago Sun-Times.
These are just three of the places that I've seen this picture of Jenn Sterger pop up.
Thing is, I took this picture and I never get credit for it! Having a photo published in SI is a big freakin' deal. Of course, I'm not worried about the money, though I'd be curious what that would be worth. For me, I just think it's hilarious that a random pic I took heading into a Cubs game keeps popping up places.
Even funnier? I took the pic with my iPhone.
Any chance you'll be able to publish a response from SI? Was it the print publication?
I remember several instances on this site and elsewhere when you've insisted on doing things "the right way" when it comes to copyright. Seeing you succeed with that ethic is a big part of why I only use my own images, video, and music in my projects now.,hotfans060308.article
BTW, I know this is obvious, but the picture is being stolen all over the place for its subject, not the artistry of the photog.
BTW, you need more pictures of Jenn in your picasa folder.
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.