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The Picture
2008-07-30 14:33
by Will Carroll

Sports Illustrated.

Chicago Sun-Times.

The Big Lead.

These are just three of the places that I've seen this picture of Jenn Sterger pop up.

Thing is, I took this picture and I never get credit for it! Having a photo published in SI is a big freakin' deal. Of course, I'm not worried about the money, though I'd be curious what that would be worth. For me, I just think it's hilarious that a random pic I took heading into a Cubs game keeps popping up places.

Even funnier? I took the pic with my iPhone.

2008-07-30 15:11:31
1.   amesiowa
Wow, Will. This is fascinating. What's next on your grandstanding list? Perhaps you have an "inside scoop" on a reinstatement? Or is that too much of a "Gray" area?
2008-07-30 15:20:44
2.   David Arnott
Wait, they took it off your Picasa site and published it without bothering to at least credit the originator?

Any chance you'll be able to publish a response from SI? Was it the print publication?

I remember several instances on this site and elsewhere when you've insisted on doing things "the right way" when it comes to copyright. Seeing you succeed with that ethic is a big part of why I only use my own images, video, and music in my projects now.

2008-07-30 16:03:24
3.   Jon Weisman
1 - God forbid anyone should share a personal anecdote on a personal blog.
2008-07-30 19:52:09
4.   jgpyke
The Sun-Times is now asking for folks to send in the story behind the photo:,hotfans060308.article

BTW, I know this is obvious, but the picture is being stolen all over the place for its subject, not the artistry of the photog.

2008-08-01 13:12:49
5.   misterjohnny
Nice composition.

BTW, you need more pictures of Jenn in your picasa folder.

2008-08-04 16:51:32
6.   JasonO
Did you convince her to agree to a close physical examination, given that you're an expert on injuries?
2008-08-08 15:44:21
7.   Schteeve
Yeah, her rotator cuff looks a little frayed. Ifyaknowwhatimeanandithinkyado.

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