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Radiohead Tickets
2008-07-18 07:58
by Will Carroll

I figured I'd offer these to readers before hitting Stubhub -- I have two center pavilion tickets for the Aug 3 Radiohead show at Verizon Wireless in Indianapolis. Scott and I were going to attend but unfortunately, duty calls - that's the same day as Newberg Night in Dallas. I'll offer these for face to any Juice reader. First come, first serve, inquire within.

2008-07-18 08:07:55
1.   MyTummyHurts
you said DUTY...
2008-07-18 08:57:44
2.   heato
I'll take them if they're still available.
2008-07-18 09:19:54
3.   CharlesFosterKane
Most intriguing band recommendation I've had in a long time came last week when a friend asked me to go to a show for 'Surprise Me Mr Davis'

He said the sound was a fusion of Radiohead and Woody Guthrie.

I haven't even gone to myspace to have a listen, but if anyone knows them I want to know how that combination is possible.

2008-07-18 09:49:41
4.   Will Carroll
Just sold. Thanks to all who inquired.

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