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Attention Comedy Fans of Chicago (UPDATED)
2008-07-22 09:38
by Scott Long

I'm going to be part of a very cool event in Chicago, July 30. The show will take place at Soldier Field and as part of your admission, you get to wander around and check the place out. One of the co-hosts will be ESPN 1000 AM's Harry Teinowitz. I have played at some different type of venues (prisons, strip clubs, etc.), but never the House of Halas. Get your tix, it should be fun.

UPDATE: If you mention that you are coming to see Scott Long when you order the tix by phone, you get a $5 dollar discount off of the admission price. 





2008-07-10 08:21:52
1.   Chyll Will
Sweet! First billing under the marquee!
2008-07-10 09:25:00
2.   Scott Long
Yeah, I think I will be closing the show.
2008-07-10 11:26:50
3.   Schteeve
F*! The one weekend I'll be out of town. Also, I think Lollapalooza is that weekend, so don't expect any greasy wannabe hipsters at the show. ;)
2008-07-10 16:13:12
4.   Chyll Will
2 Saving the best for last, kid! >;)
2008-07-10 20:12:26
5.   TFD
scott: congrats....wish I could be there. kick some a**.
2008-07-22 11:29:06
6.   Bluebleeder87
I'll be there in spirit.. If your ever in LA let us now man.
2008-07-22 13:07:14
7.   dianagramr
Will you be wearing a "I survived Rex Grossman" t-shirt?

Seriously, congrats!

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