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Justify My Love
2008-07-03 13:24
by Scott Long

So ARod is getting into a groove with Madonna, while his wife lets love rule with Lenny Kravitz. There is a common bond besides all 4 being legendary sluts*. Can anyone tell me what it is?

My favorite part of the story is reading an article which mentions Madonna and Jimmy Foxx in the same sentence. Now I could have imagined Madonna and Jaime Foxx in the same article, but not the Material Girl and Double X. Actually, Double X would be a decent nickname for Ms. Ciccone as well.

(NOTE: Slut is not a derogatory term here at the Juice.)

2008-07-03 16:14:07
1.   Suffering Bruin
So ARod is getting into a groove with Madonna, while his wife let's love rule with Lenny Kravitz. Here is the common bond. Can anyone tell me why?

I don't think Kravitz produced the vid or the song but I know he was creatively involved somehow. And during the time of the vid, he was more than creatively involved with Madonna. Am I right?

2008-07-03 17:19:45
2.   Scott Long
Kravitz co-wrote the song with his girlfriend of the time, Ingrid Chavez.
2008-07-03 19:16:51
3.   Bluebleeder87
Madonna is the coolest broad to ever walk this earth.
2008-07-03 21:43:26
4.   Will Carroll
And don't forget that Kravitz completely jacked Public Enemy (iTunes link) on this song.

And the parody was better than the video:

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