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Has the Week of the Tiger Ended?
2008-06-18 11:15
by Scott Long

The past week has been a good time to be a Tiger.

  • Tiger Woods won the most exciting golf tourney since Jack Nicklaus made his amazing last day run during the 1986 Masters to win his final major at the age of 46.
  • The Detroit Tigers won 6 straight games to show they still have a pulse in the AL Central.
  • Tony the Tiger still has sole possession of his secret formula.

Well with the news that Woods will be out for the rest of the year, after his now Willis Reed-like performance of winning on one-leg, it appears that things might be turning negative for all Tigers.

  • It is hard to see how Detroit will win much more than half their upcoming games with a decimated starting staff and disastrous bullpen which has no idea what Rodney and Zamaya will offer them.
  • Secret formula or not, current economic woes make buying generic frosted flakes seem like a better option in the near term.

I will know that the luck of the Tiger has completely changed if the Jonas Brothers decide to leave the country to become Tibetan Monks. What will Tiger Beat do then?



2008-06-18 18:42:20
1.   mehmattski
Move to Kenya, obviously.

Come to Kenya, we've got tigers (can you believe it?)

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