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McCain Wants Who?
2008-06-16 13:43
by Will Carroll

I've avoided politics as much as I can this season, my cynicism holding strongly. I have followed, especially over at FiveThirtyEight, but nothing is holding my interest as much as the derby for the Vice Presidents. After miserable choices over the past few elections -- Jack Kemp added nothing to a sure loser in Bob Dole, Joe Lieberman and Dick Cheney fell to new lows in vastly different ways, and John Edwards got worked in his debate by Cheney coming off as no more than a modern Dan Quayle -- we now have some real possibilities.

We're starting to hear names like Jim Webb, Bill Richardson, and even Caroline Kennedy on the Democratic side, while the Republicans have focused on "their Obama," Bobby Jindal as well as Mitt Romney and Charlie Crist. Now I'm hearing that the McCain campaign is locked in on a new guy, Eric Cantor. Watch this one develop ...

... and see how long it is before a blueblogger picks up on *his* middle name.

2008-06-16 16:30:13
1.   kylepetterson
Who cares what his middle name is. From Wikipedia: "In the 2002 election, Cantor defeated Democrat opponent Ben "Cooter" Jones, who starred on the popular TV series The Dukes of Hazzard."

It's simple math. If Eric Cantor > "Crazy" Cooter, than it stands to reason that Eric would totally help the Duke boys fix the General Lee in time to make their big race in the "circuit". YEEEEE HAW!

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