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Blind Item!
2008-06-16 11:15
by Will Carroll

Hey, it's a blind item ... you know, like On The DL, but with real stuff?

It's no secret that baseball players cheat on their wives and girlfriends. Until recently -- specifically Johnny Damon's book -- some of the details weren't quite so well known. One of the most popular techniques is the "batphone", a second cell phone that's given out only to the Annies.

Unfortunately the WAGs are beginning to look for that second phone. One young star of the game discovered that not only had his woman found his phone, called his "Fave Five" with some choice words, but had gone with the full Roger Dorn treatment with the reliever with the "hot accent."

We'll see if the young star can act desperate enough to get his girl back or whether he has enough numbers in his phone (and contract) to live well without her.

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