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Predicting a Big Year for Reggie Bush
2008-06-16 10:55
by Scott Long

It has been discussed here before about how no player was more overhyped going into the NFL than Reggie Bush. Considering that he had one of the best offensive lines in college football history, all the Trojans tough inside carries were run by LenDale White, and let’s not forget a pretty decent quarterback in Matt Leinart … Reggie had it pretty good at SC. And what we didn’t know was that he was playing professional football while he was there, despite not actually declaring for the draft until he had already gotten paid mad money.

Well after one bad p.r. move after another, Reggie seems to have made a great decision which has went under the radar. Knowing that to be a successful runner in the NFL you need a lineman with a sturdy pair of thighs and a big ass to open up the holes, Reggie has gone one further than most players would. He is actually dating a prototype NFL pulling guard in Kim Kardashian. If you doubt me, look at her latest photo. She’s like Willie Roaf with a sexy face!





2008-06-16 11:14:40
1.   El Lay Dave
Yeah, yeah, yeah, we already know what Kim has to offer. Who is the other photographed female?
2008-06-16 11:32:49
2.   blue22
1 - Kim's younger-looking older sister.
2008-06-16 14:16:54
3.   Prescott Pete
USC offensive linemen Sam Baker, Fred Matua, Ryan Kalil, Duece Lutui and Winston Justice one of the best ever? A good O-line for sure, but not even in my all time top-five even for USC, let alone all of college football history.

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