Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
It was an important lesson for America on Sunday as Dale Earnhardt Jr. used something called "good gas mileage" to win on the big circle in Michigan. Going 55 laps on two cans of fuel comes out to about 6.5 mpg or about what most of Dale Jr's fans got from their big Silverados on the way home from the track. Reports are that GM is fascinated by the applications of such advanced technology used by Earnhardt like "coasting", "turning off the engine", and in what sounds like something from the future, "turning down the cool box."
It was Junior's first win since coming to Hendricks Racing and a big help for his marketing machine, one that was beginning to become confused. Even the rednecks realize that if you're going to sell cars, soda, and jeans, you'd better win once in a while or they'll start trying to figure out if someone with an HBOtalian name like "Joey Logano" can be tattooed on their chest.
To celebrate his "win on fumes", typical NASCAR fans planned to huff some of the orange Amp out of a paper bag during their drive back to the trailer park.
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