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The Finals? Really?
2008-06-16 05:09
by Will Carroll

Indiana is the home of basketball, which is why we're flat ignoring the NBA Finals. The "classic matchup" of Kobe Bryant's Lakers and the mercenary Celtics isn't doing it for me any more than the rest of the NBA season did. Bob Knight was once asked if he had any interest in coaching in the NBA. "No," he said, "I'm a basketball coach."

The NBA only seems to generate interest when Kobe's sneaking up behind young girls or smacking fans in the third row. Here in Indiana, where the Pacers were lottery-bound and drawing three thousand fans a night, we didn't even have a good fight to take our mind of losing. There's no Magic, no Bird, and for me, just no interest.

Maybe if they started fixing the games ... oh, look there's Dick Bavetta!

Gambling Analysis Real Analysis

2008-06-16 08:41:41
1.   Josh Wilker
I'm enjoying the finals. Best player in the world on one side, a team hanging together and desperate to win on the other. The highest profile of the "mercenaries," Garnett, cares as much about winning as any Knight-blessed lad of the plantation system called college basketball.

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