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Tiger Woods Wins 2008 US Open
2008-06-16 04:54
by Scott Long

What is it you say? There is an 18 hole playoff today. Sorry, but the tourney is over. Truthfully, I wouldn't be surprised if Rocco Mediate just decides to hit the snooze a few times and doesn't show up to the course. I don't know what the rules are in that spot, but maybe the first alternate gets to fill-in. Calling the ghost of John Daly at Crooked Stick (PGA 1991) because that is the only way Tiger could be denied.

Instead of breaking down how the playoff will go, it's time to move on to the next major, the British Open. You might be unaware of this, but Tiger Woods is even a bigger star in Great Britain than in America. Not so much for his golfing acumen, though, but for his teeth. His chiclets are seen as mythic by most British citizens. Kind of like how a coke bottle was perceived by the villagers in The Gods Must Be Crazy.

Below is the typical example of what dental hygiene in Great Britain looks like.






2008-06-16 05:15:06
1.   Scott Long
Authors Note: Being of English/Irish ancestry, this is one of the few groups of people I can get away with throwing some xenophobic rant at. In today's politically correct enviroment, Don Rickles never would have made it far, especially if he would have begun his career as a blogger.
2008-06-16 09:54:47
2.   Smed
How can you root against Rocco? As I post this, Rocco is up one. Win one for the doughy guys, Rocco!

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