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Societal Critic at Large: Scott Long
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Playing in the World Series and Single A All in the Same Week
2008-01-29 17:22
by Scott Long

If you happen to watch the potentially highest-rated TV event of all-time this Sunday, just know that I was part of the creative team who brought some comedy to the Fox pregame show. 

Tonight I'm performing in North Dakota.  The temperature is predicted to hit a low of 30 below zero and get this, a wind chill factor of 53 below zero.  And I suspect the comedy show will have a large audience.  Oh and by the way, a wind chill of 50 below zero is not something I can explain how it feels.  I can tell you I wished I had my own personal sherpa to get my luggage from my car to the Hotel Lobby. 

2008-01-30 01:55:46
1.   joejoejoe
Do you ever take photos when you are on the road? It would be cool to see some of the more out of the way places where you get a chance to visit when working. I'm not talking so much about wheatfields and purple mountains but "This is where I had eggs in Minot".
2008-01-30 07:46:59
2.   Scott Long
You know,I've thought about that, but haven't done it. Good suggestion. I will have to post some of those in the future.

I have had it happen in the past, so let me offer is never good when you are in a place that is one of the lead stories nationally because of their weather

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