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Clemens to Sign
2004-01-10 06:33
by Will Carroll

I have learned early this morning that Roger Clemens will sign a one year deal with the Houston Astros. Details on the contract, including a detailed understanding of where and when Clemens will pitch, remain to be worked out, but the major obstacles have been cleared. It is expected that Clemens will not be required to travel with the team if he is not pitching in a specific series and that the Astros will attempt to give him extra rest and to allow him to pitch at home more than on the road. With the expected money in the $5-7 million range, depending on where bonuses fall, the Astros get better at a reasonable price, assuming Clemens is healthy and effective.

More Wood vs. Clemens? Now that excites me.

EDIT: I was not aware of this Houston Chronicle article at the time I wrote the above piece. Very similar information, so I just wanted to be clear and give them proper due.

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