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New Contest!
2006-03-24 20:36
by Will Carroll

Since everyone enjoyed the last one -- and the winner is Ken Arneson, not that I'm biased that he runs the site ... -- how about another?

Your assignment is to listen to this week's BP Radio. Sure, I know you were going to do that anyway, but go with it. You'll notice that Brad is doing a lot more production work to BP Radio, including new "bumpers." Bumpers are the intro/outro work that helps make a show's transitions a bit more smooth and fun.

In addition to the new opening, we have two bumpers in there this week. They're short, hopefully witty, and help anchor the theme or mission of the show in the listeners mind. Your assignment is to write a bumper. Did I mention they're short - under 50 words and 25 is better.

The best ones *will* be produced and one of those will win an appearance on BP Radio for its writer. Please, I don't want to put Ken on the radio, so enter early and often.

2006-03-24 23:59:47
1.   Another Tom
Genesis = Frank Tanana is the winner? Wow.

And I thought Ewing to the Knicks was fixed...

2006-03-25 01:55:19
2.   Adam B
"You're listening to BP Radio, where steroids are unnecessary, and opinion without factual reasoning is hopeless."
2006-03-25 11:37:29
3.   Blah Blah Blah
You're listening to BP Radio, where Genesis and Frank Tanana go to meet Don Denkinger.
2006-03-25 16:22:14
4.   dan the fan
"Baseball Prospectus Baseball: The Other White Meat."
2006-03-25 16:22:54
5.   dan the fan
Edit: Baseball Prosectus Radio: The other white meat.
2006-03-26 01:31:30
6.   Ryguy
"You're listening to BP Radio, the only place helping men fufill their fantasies... and their fantasy baseball teams"
2006-03-26 20:43:05
7.   dianagramr
"This is Baseball Prospectus Radio, now with extra vitamins and baseball"

"Baseball Prospectus Radio, taking you out to, into, and around the game every week."

"Baseball Prospectus Radio, like steroids for your baseball-savvy brain"

"Baseball Prospectus Radio, the 'Murderer's Row' of baseball news and analysis"

2006-03-27 00:46:33
8.   dbt
"BP Radio: Finally, a B-12 shot for your iPod."
2006-04-01 10:17:24
9.   Ryguy
"BP Radio.. breaking iPods, with top secret information"

Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.